In the midst of a (somewhat) familiar journey...
Here I am, again. Heading down the final steps of a path that leads to a much anticipated destination, that being the release of yet another attempt to share my expression of art with the world (or anyone who will take the time to listen to it), the A.B.E. EP.
While some of it seems so familiar, most of it still remains very foreign. The studio time is booked (aka me and my producer got our wives/families to be cool with us putting in late nights to finish this project), and the concept for this project is mapped out. As those who support this en-devour and I will most certainly examine and strategize the most efficient and productive ways to get this message out to the world (music videos, marketing strategies, social media blitzes, networking etc.) I can't help but be turned off by the prospect of the whole process, the thought of having to convince the world that what I have to say is worth their time seems so counterproductive . I loathe being told which artist I should emulate. I hate being treated as some sideshow act, and much to the regret of many around me I don't spend endless hours buying clothes, shoes and jewelry trying to look like a christian rapper, or rapper who's christian, or whatever. I can't help but look like me, a 30 something guy from Utah that stills struggles with sin, happens to love JESUS, Hip-Hop, and expressing that through rhyme.
(This is a pic of me playing a character that looks like most peoples perception of a rapper at a murder mystery night for my youth group. My voice for the night sounded like a mix between Mike Tyson and Lil' John)
I've always thought that the best medium for effective advertising of music is quality, sincere, music (props to Beautiful Eulogy). But in a crowd where so many voices are speaking, the guy with the megaphone stands out....I guess. Although, in the midst of that logic I cant help but think that people are much more thoughtful and intelligent than most marketing strategies give them credit for. This blog is admittedly, a strategy within itself, but unlike most, I'll tell you exactly what I hope to do with this buffet of words for your consumption. My hope is that by giving you an honest look into the final stages of the process and the man behind the music being made that you will be encouraged to take the same look (with your ears) into my latest EP. I have no visions of grandeur, I fully understand that I'm a local artist with only one other project under his belt. I'm a father of 3, who is a Youth Pastor and Full Time employee of a delivery service (If your thinking "Does he have time for this?", let me calm your worries by saying "maybe") . I have a shoestring budget (Oh snap! The marketing books said I wasn't supposed to admit that) and my impact on Hip Hop as a whole would be flattered to be referred to as minimal. I have no desire for fame and I already think I'm financially living far beyond what I deserve. No, no, you should know my hope for this music is that it causes worshipful, GOD honoring thought for believers and a thought provoking testimony to those who would not classify themselves in that way. That it would inspire young MC's to take this same honest, sincere approach as they develop their image and craft and that this single drop in the caverness lake that is Hip Hop would ripple out to redeem its once lost soul. My hope is that GOD will use my faithfulness in small things to do much bigger things for his glory.
This time around I want to embody the command of JESUS and be nothing more than a faithful witness. As I do this, others who may disagree with my approach have the position the Sadducees had in Acts, but I say to them as Peter did "Whether it is right in the sight of GOD to listen to you rather than to GOD, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard."
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